
温可玲, 冯珈明


我的名字是冯珈明, 我是大学生,从加州来莱斯大学。我专业是亚洲研究, 可是我毕业以
后想做医生。我的爱好包括画画,看书,和看电视。我学中文两年了,还没去过亚洲,所以我很兴奋今年暑假去南京。 我觉得在中国学中文是提高我的中文水平。

English translation: My name is Karen Resnick.  I am a student at Rice University, but originally from Southern California.  I am majoring in Asian Studies, but want to go into medicine after I graduate.  My hobbies include drawing, reading, and watching tv.  I have spent two years learning Chinese but have yet to travel to Asia.  As a result, I am very excited to be going to Nanjing this summer.  I believe that learning Chinese in China is the best way to improve my language ability.


我叫温可玲。我在Florida长大, 现在我莱斯大学。虽然我的专业是生物工程, 可是两年
前,我开始学中文。我选学中文是因为我的外公会说一点中文。 我想跟他用中文聊天。 学中文对我将来的事业也很有用。今年夏天我也会跟我的同学一起去南京学习中文。 回到美国以后,我计划继续学中文。你看,我已经选了秋天的中文401.


English translation: My name is Kathryn Wallace. I grew up in Florida, and now I am studying at Rice University. Although my major is bioengineering, I have taken two years of Chinese classes. I chose to study Chinese because my grandfather can speak a little bit of Chinese and I wanted to be able to speak with him using Chinese. This year with my Chinese classmates, I will be travelling to Nanjing to learn even more Chinese. Once I return to the United States, I plan to continue to learn Chinese next fall in Chinese 401.

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