
My name is Nick Schafer, and my Chinese name is Rong Nike. I am studying Chinese so that in the future I can talk to my wife’s parents. My Chinese surname is Rong because their surname is Rong. My wife and I met in Denmark. We lived together in Denmark, China and California before we moved together to Texas. Although she plays much better than me, we both like playing badminton. I just finished my PhD in Physics at Rice University. My wife and I plan to move to Denmark and live there for a few years. She will be playing in a badminton club, and I will continue doing biophysics research. Studying Chinese at Rice has made me very happy, and I hope that my Chinese will continue to improve!

我的名字是Nick Schafer,中文名字是荣尼克。我学中文是为了将来可以跟我太太的父母说话。因为他们姓荣,所以我的中文姓也是”荣”。我跟我太太是在丹麦认识的。搬到德州以前,我们分别在丹麦,中国,加州住过段时间。我们两个都喜欢打羽毛球,虽然她打得比我好多了。我刚拿到莱斯大学的物理博士学位,打算跟我太太搬到丹麦,住几年。她要为一个羽毛球俱乐部打球,而我可以继续做生物物理研究。在莱斯大学学中文让我很高兴,我希望我的中文会继续进步

Fenni is a 4th year graduate at Rice University. She plans on getting her PhD in bioengineering. Fenni wanted to learn Chinese after visiting Beijing and Chengdu in China. She visited all the famous landmarks including the Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven, Great Wall of China, and the Panda Reserve. She wanted to learn how to converse with the people and many of her friends who are Chinese and Taiwanese. She has studied Chinese now for 2 years.

吳芬妮是Rice University四年級的研究生. 她計畫拿到生物工程博士學位以後. 去中國北京和成都等城市旅行. 雖然她已經學了兩年的中文, 她還想在那兒一邊繼續學中文, 一遊覽中國的名勝古蹟, 比如紫禁城, 天壇, 長城, 和 臥龍大熊貓博物館. 她希望以後可以自如地用中文跟她的中國朋友和台灣朋友聊天兒.

My name is Jemina Bouma, and my Chinese name is BaoJieming. I am studying Chinese for many reasons. First reason is because I have a passion for learning languages and about new cultures. I believe that the best way to learn about a culture is to study its language. After living with a Chinese roommate, I become very interested in learning about China’s culture. Second reason is because I believe that Chinese is becoming an increasingly important language in today’s society. I would like to be a teacher in low-income communities in the future, and I believe that Chinese language study should be offered in more high schools, especially for students who are less privileged. This summer, I will be studying abroad for two months in Suzhou, China with the Critical Language Scholarship program. I am very excited to immerse myself in the culture, make new Chinese friends, and improve my Chinese!

我的名字是Jemina Bouma,中文名字是包洁明。两年前,因为各种原因,我开始学中文。第一个原因是我爱学习外国语和外国文化,觉得学外语是学文化最好的办法。跟一个中国人做了同屋以后,我对中国文化更有兴趣了。第二个原因是我认为中国在世界的地位越来越重要,说中文很有用。第三个原因是将来我想当老师,可是太多高学校没有中文课,很多想学中文的学生不能学。如果我去中国,认识想来美国教书的中国老师,我可以介绍他们来美国教中文。另外,我也特别想在没有那么多钱的学校工作,因为钱不多,所以机会很少。今年夏天,重要语言奖学金项目会送去苏州留学两个月,我高兴极了,希望好好体验中国文化,交中国朋友,和提高中文水平!

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